Managers on a Mission

Join Erica’s cohort and learn how to become a Great Human Leader in nine weeks!

Ditch the overwhelm and design a roadmap to success!

Join a growing community of managers for the Fall of 2024 Managers On a Mission Cohort with bestselling author and global workplace strategist Erica Keswin.

If you are feeling:

This program is for you

Hi, I'm Erica Keswin

The incredible thing I’ve found in working with companies and leaders over the last 25+ years is that even with all these challenges, managers like you are still on a mission: to serve and support your teams and to become great human leaders. 

That’s why I designed a framework to guide you through the overwhelm and give you a roadmap to becoming a great human leader.


Be Intentional


Connect People to Purpose


Curate Connection


Take Professional Development Personally


Find the Sweet Spot
between Tech and Connect


Say Thank You

"Workplace strategist and author Erica Keswin knows how to create sustainable cultural impact for leaders and organizations with a focus on the crucial role of the people manager."

- Stephanie Kramer, Chief Human Resources Officer, L'Oréal USA

Overview of this Nine-Week Program

All sessions run from 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM Eastern

session 1 — Oct. 1st

A Great Human Leader is Intentional

Have you heard that 70% of team engagement is determined solely by the managers? This session will share why it’s so important to get this right. A great human leader is, more than anything else, intentional. In five specific ways:

session 2 — Oct. 15th

A Great Human Leader Connects People to Purpose

When people feel a sense of purpose on the job, the bottom line improves. Period. In fact, Harvard Business School found that companies where employees feel a sense of purpose at work outperform the stock market by 6.9%. This session will show you how to increase performance by making it easy to connect people to the big picture. 

session 3 — Oct. 29th

A Great Human Leader Curates Connection

Left to our own devices (pun intended!), we’re not connecting. Great human leaders curate connection and don’t leave it to chance. 55% of employees say feeling connected to their work increases their desire to go above and beyond. In this session you’ll see why it’s so important to build connections at work and how to do it through conversation, curiosity, and care.

session 4 — Nov. 12th

A Great Human Leader Takes Professional Development Personally

People want to grow on the job, up, down, and sideways – especially Gen Z who list professional development as a top motivating force. In a LinkedIn Global Talent Trends survey, 59% of respondents cited professional development opportunities as a top area to invest in. In this session you’ll learn how to show up for your people in a way that makes them want to show up for you.

session 5 — Nov. 19th

A Great Human Leader Finds the Sweet Spot between Tech and Connect

The tech options we have these days to communicate are virtually limitless. But the default use of technology degrades connection, especially as 55% of meaning is communicated through body language. I’ll show you why you need to leverage all that’s great about technology but also know how and when to put it in its place. 

session 6 — Dec. 3rd

A Great Human Leader Says Thank You

Only 61% of employees feel appreciated at work. Don’t leave all that goodwill on the table! In this session, you’ll see why recognizing your people, in the ways they want to be recognized, can go a long way to making your organization a great place for humans.  

“The workplace is changing with new faces, new technology, and new expectations. Few are better positioned to speak, write, and consult on the convergence of these forces than Erica Keswin. If you’re looking for a trusted advisor who can help you understand where things are and where they’re going in the new world of work, I strongly encourage you to reach out to Erica.”

- Andrew Stern, Bloomberg LP

At the end of this nine-week program, you’ll have:

Ready to Join the Program?

Sign up by August 15th to get the special early-bird pricing!

About Erica Keswin

Erica Keswin is an internationally sought-after speaker, bestselling author, and workplace strategist who partners with some of the most well-known companies in the world on how to bring their human to work.For the past two decades, Erica’s work has defined what it means to be a human leader. Erica’s Human Workplace Trilogy: Bring Your Human to Work, Rituals Roadmap, and The Retention Revolution was published by McGraw Hill and each book debuted as a Wall Street Journal bestseller.

When Erica isn’t writing books, she delivers keynotes, leads workshops, and coaches top-of-class companies and individuals to help them improve their performance by honoring relationships in today’s hybrid workplace.

Recent keynotes and workshops include L’Oréal, SXSW, TIAA, IBM, Microsoft, The New York Times, Wharton and her insights have appeared in Harvard Business Review, Good Morning America, NY Post, Forbes, O Magazine, Entrepreneur, Business Insider, and Fast Company.

Erica is honored to be one of Marshall Goldsmith’s Top 100 Coaches and one of Business Insider’s most innovative coaches. She’s also the founder of the Spaghetti Project, a roving ritual devoted to sharing the science and stories of relationships at work.

“Erica has dissected one of today’s most relevant topics and created an essential workshop to help us all stay ‘humanly’ connected in our tech-filled lives. Her presentation on the impact of technology on relationships at our YPO Women’s Conference was exceptionally well received as the women learned how to navigate in today’s world both professionally and personally in a more thoughtful and connected way. She will enlighten any group!”

- Pam Sherman, YPO Women’s Conference Leaning In