Vulnerability Fatigue

When I wrote Bring Your Human to Work in 2018, some people didn’t even understand what it meant to “bring your human to work.” They wondered if I was talking about my very human dog, Cruiser?! The book was radical at the time because it made the case that creating a more human workplace was not only […]

5 ways to embrace your humanity in the age of AI

AI was the talk of the town at the Transform HR Conference in Vegas a couple weeks ago. My big takeaway? Guys, it’s here to stay. But so is our humanity—as long as we’re intentional. So if you’re interested in staying ahead of the AI curve (and if you don’t, you’ll definitely be left behind), here […]

3 o’clock dance party

Last week I took the stage at Transform to talk about one of my favorite topics – Navigating Leadership in the Hybrid Horizon: The Crucial Role of Middle Managers. The room was packed, so clearly it’s on other people’s minds as well. At the end of the talk, a woman walked up to me to […]

Make your time together count

As a workplace strategist over the last 25 years, I’ve come to expect the unexpected. So it doesn’t surprise me that employees who come into the office three, four or even five days a week may still feel isolated and alone. While companies who gather employees three times a year may feel more connected than […]

Let them have a snow day

Last Tuesday, February 13th, was NYC’s first official “snow day” of the year. While kids in the burbs got to bask in the childhood ritual of sleeping late, staying in their jammies, and having a cup of hot cocoa after sledding, city kids had to go to remote school. As if that wasn’t bad enough, […]

Cookies won’t cut it

Sephora recently reached the incredible milestone of 10 billion in revenue. And they sent their employees a cookie. Um. No. According to HR Brew, Sephora employees were—rightly—offended and posted things like, “When your employer makes $10 billion…and all you get is a damn cookie.” And: “They are always coaching us to meet our goals and expectations, […]

A few of my favorite (human) things

One of my rituals this time of year is to rewatch The Sound of Music. And of course sing along! Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens… Speaking of, these are a few of my favorite (human) things. I wanted to share them with my favorite human (you!), and tell you why they resonated. Books: […]