Why are you meeting?

By Erica Keswin

I was reviewing my video content with Chris West, a producer who is working on my new speaker reel. He gave me some constructive ideas and tweaks—we can all improve! But the best feedback happened when we were talking about my keynote, How to Be a Great Human Leader in the Age of AI.

I could see the wheels turning in Chris’s head—he was thinking about how he could apply what he was learning to HIS team!

He shared that there are a number of engineers on his team. Some are self-described introverts who don’t feel they need or desire to attend some of the social events that he plans.

After hearing my talk, Chris decided that going forward, he was going to share the “why” behind the gathering: for people to get to know each other better and build real relationships. He was happy to learn that the data shows that when people form real connections, it’s good for our mental health AND our business.

In one recent invite, he told the team they’ll reserve one Friday afternoon per quarter to gather for an activity outside work. The why? “Time spent doing activities beyond work is shown to increase all of our overall happiness, which is a pretty darn good reason to hang out with one another.”

My favorite part is that they made it optional and that folks should only come if it sounds fun to them. No pressure. This quarter’s fun activity? Escape room and drinks!

Look what a simple afternoon like the one Chris is planning can do for us:

One of things great human leaders do is that they curate connection by sharing the purpose behind why they’re meeting. 

Because they know that the absence of intentionality is a recipe for resentment.

You’ve probably been there – commuting to an office and sitting alone all day, wondering why you made the effort. Or being forced to attend a mandatory happy hour. 

Don’t make this mistake. Be a great human leader instead.


About Erica

Erica Keswin is an internationally sought-after speaker, bestselling author, and workplace strategist who partners with some of the most well-known companies in the world on how to bring their human to work. For the past two decades, Erica’s work has defined what it means to be a human leader. Erica’s Human Workplace Trilogy: Bring Your Human to Work, Rituals Roadmap, and The Retention Revolution was published by McGraw Hill and each debuted as a Wall Street Journal bestseller. 

When Erica isn’t writing books, she delivers keynotes, leads workshops, and coaches top-of-class companies and individuals to help them improve their performance by honoring relationships in today’s hybrid workplace.

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